17 та 18 лютого 2016 року відбудеться міжнародний вебінар для вчителів англійської мови Guiding input and supporting output in the CLIL classroom від британського видавництва Oxford University Press.
Webinar information:
Dates: 17th and 18th February 2016
Times: 10:00 – 11:30 and 15:30 – 17:00 (GMT)
Speaker: Keith Kelly
Join us for a webinar with Keith Kelly as he identifies structures in content and exploits them to guide learners through processing input material as well as creating scaffolds to support learner output in their own words.
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Webinar information:
Dates: 17th and 18th February 2016
Times: 10:00 – 11:30 and 15:30 – 17:00 (GMT)
Speaker: Keith Kelly
Join us for a webinar with Keith Kelly as he identifies structures in content and exploits them to guide learners through processing input material as well as creating scaffolds to support learner output in their own words.
Register now More details