неділя, 17 січня 2016 р.

21 січня 2016 року Британська Рада проводитиме вебінар для вчителів англійської мови ‘Starting E-moderating’

Join us on 21 January at 11am GMT for a webinar about the skills needed to be an effective E-moderator.


Elements of online teaching are becoming increasingly common features in learning programmes. This ranges from teachers taking the initiative and integrating online tools into their teaching to more formalised blended or fully online courses. For teachers, then, this means there is a need to develop skills in the areas of moderating online content, motivating learners to participate in online activities and technical and pedagogical skills for e-learning.

But what does it mean to be a 'good' e-tutor?
What skills are needed?
How can you tell if you are doing it well?

The Starting E-moderating course from the British Council introduces these skills using loop input to train teachers and allow them to discover how online learning can fit into their own contexts.

Join Kirsteen Donaghy and Zoë Tysoe, E-learning Consultants for the British Council, to find out more about the course and whether it might be suitable for your needs.

During the webinar you will be introduced to the course materials and the record of work you will be assessed on, interact on the platform used on the course for synchronous sessions and have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have. You will also meet Madeleine Edgecombe and hear about how taking the course 2 years ago has altered the path of her teaching career.


21 January 2016


11am UK time (find out what time this is in your country)

About the speakers

Kirsteen Donaghy is E- Learning Consultant for the British Council. She has been working with Educational Technology for over 12 years and has been involved in a range of training for teachers and head teachers to adopt best practices in teaching with technology. In her current role, she develops online teacher training courses and supports continuous professional development for teaching professionals globally.

Zoë Tysoe is E- Learning Consultant for the British Council. She is a teacher, trainer, moderator and course book writer. In all of these roles she has worked on integrating technology and elements of online learning.

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